FX News

NZD/AUD Transfer

The New Zealand Dollar (NZD) has continued to move higher throughout the week reaching 0.9325 (1.0725) against the Australian Dollar (AUD) but it hasn’t been all one-way traffic. Although the cross remains within big picture ranges, movement over the week has certainly not been stagnant. The RBA surprised us by leaving their cash rate unchanged at 4.1% in a hawkish release amid expectation they will raise again down the track. NZ Job’s numbers reached an all-time high with 72.4% of eligible people in the workforce. However, the unemployment rate did jump to 3.6% from 3.45 in the June quarter. This may not be enough for the RBNZ to hold rates at their August 16 meeting, but we should get a better signal when NZ inflation expectations are released on Wednesday. We really do need a big-ticket risk event to shift the NZD/AUD cross out of its long-term range.

The current interbank midrate is: NZDAUD 0.9271 AUDNZD 1.0783

The interbank range this week has been: NZDAUD 0.9231- 0.9318 AUDNZD 1.0732- 1.0832

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