Economic Releases

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Thursday 03/09

  • 1230am, USD, Core Retail Sales m/m
    • Forecast 1.00%
    • Previous 1.90%
  • 6am, USD, FOMC Economic Projections
  • 6am, USD, FOMC Statement
  • 630am, USD, FOMC Press Conference 
  • 1045am, NZD GDP q/q 
    • Forecast -12.50%
    • Previous -1.60%
  • 130pm, AUD, Unemployment Rate
    • Forecast 7.70%
    • Previous 7.50%
  • Tentative, JPY, Monetary Policy Statement
  • 11pm, GBP, MPC Official Bank Rate Votes 
    • Forecast 0-0-9
    • Previous 0-0-9
  • 11pm, GBP, Monetary Policy Summary

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Howard Wilcox and Neven Fisher

FX Update

Worldwide coronavirus cases surpass 28.3 million with over 913,000 official deaths.

The Japanese economy weakened by 7.9% in the second quarter of 2020 after a 8.1% expected drop. This comes after a 0.6% drop in the first quarter and a 1.8% fall in the fourth quarter of 2019. The terrible decline in the second quarter was the largest quarterly fall in Japanese history as coronavirus deepens the economy. Also out this week was second quarter Eurozone GDP with the Euro area shrinking 11.8% in the 3 months to the end of June. This was slightly lower than initial predictions of 12.1% falls but is the largest growth evaporation on record sending the economy formally into recession after a first quarter decline of 3.6%          

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FX Update

Worldwide coronavirus cases surpass 27.4 million with over 895,000 official deaths.

Right on cue at the start of September the stock market rally winning streak has come to an end. We mentioned last week how the reality of investing in any stock market has its dangers based on a historical fact that September months since 1950 have produced the worst results. Both the S&P and NASDAQ on a weekly level ended their five week bullish streak with the S&P falling 2.4% and the NASDAQ dropping 3.2%. The DOW also didn’t escape the carnage, losing around 1.8% on the week. The US Dollar on the other hand posted gains of 7.5% as traders and investors climbed into “safe haven” investments buying up the greenback.   

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Economic Releases

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Tuesday 08/09

  • All Day, USD, Bank Holiday
  • All Day, CAD, Bank Holiday

Thursday 10/09

  • 2am, CAD,  BOC Rate Statement
  • 2am, CAD, Overnight Rate
    • Forecast 0.25%
    • Previous 0.25%
  • 1145pm, EUR, Main Refinancing Rate
    • Forecast 0.00%
    • Previous 0.00%
  • 1145pm, EUR, Monetary Policy Statement
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FX News

FX Update

Worldwide coronavirus cases surpass 26.4 million with over 872,000 official deaths.

Any hint of Adrian Orr suggesting the New Zealand Dollar was overvalued yesterday was put to bed as he shrugged off speculation he was going to talk down the kiwi. He said he was not concerned over New Zealand Dollar current exchange rates with relatively resilient exports providing the New Zealand economy with a buffer. His comments also highlighted his challenges facing the central bank as they try to stimulate growth without making the current financial and social situation worse. There is a perception that actions by central banks are only benefiting those holding assets but the biggest contribution it is making is in economic well-being by boosting employment through sustained lower rates. The NZD went on to post fresh highs post Orr’s release in the NZDUSD cross, clearly having an opposite effect on price to what markets were expecting. The RBNZ lowered its cash rate to 0.25% in March this year and could cut it further into negative territory towards the end of the year, in efforts to keep downward pressure on retail interest rates.

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FX Update

Worldwide coronavirus cases surpass 25.6 million with over 854,000 official deaths.

Auckland shifted to level 2 Monday morning – actually level 2.5 as our restrictions are slightly different to the rest of the country’s level 2 old school level. Gatherings are limited to 10 people and 50 in cases of Tangi’s or funerals. The wearing of masks is now compulsory on all public transport and encouraged while in public spaces. Globally the virus has surpassed 25.3 million total cases as the USA then Brazil and India clock up the most cases. It won’t be long before India given the sheer number of people could bypass the USA’s 6.2million. It is said that for each week NZ is at a level 3 lockdown with the rest of NZ at level 2 this costs the NZ Govt around 300M per week economically which is approx 0.5% of GDP.

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FX Update

Worldwide coronavirus cases surpass 24.6 million with over 835,000 official deaths.

Auckland coronavirus lockdown (level 3) has been extended to August 30th 

I’m wondering about the discrepancies between “real data” and what’s actually happening in the US at the moment. It seems headlines and economic data announcements are highlighting major disparities. Hopes of vaccines, progress in the US/China trade negotiations and improving industry is painting an unrealistic picture of an economy rising from the ashes. In my opinion- it’s simply not and has a very long way to go before we see any sustainable “recovery”. Over the past couple of days we have seen equities rise boosting commodity related products and risk currencies such as the kiwi and Aussie – this off the back of “feel good”. For example, Durable Goods Orders for July increased by 11.2% easily beating estimates of 4.4%.

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Jackson Hole in Focus

Worldwide coronavirus cases surpass 23.8 million with over 814,000 official deaths.
Auckland coronavirus lockdown (level 3) has been extended to August 30th 

US indices closed higher on Friday to end a record week for stocks, in particularly the S & P 500 and NASDAQ. The S&P is sitting at a record closing high of 3,431 The Nasdaq also closed at a record high at 11,379. Contributing factors which helped markets reach fresh highs were US Manufacturing which hit its highest level in 19 months, while services reached the highest levels in 17 months. Home Sales for July saw a m/m spike of 24% with the average selling price for homes also hitting an all-time high jumping to US $304,100. This week on the economic calendar sees a lack of significant data releases which should have market participants dial in on global issues and coronavirus headline events.

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Economic Releases

Monday 24/08

  • 1045am, NZD, Retail Sales q/q
    • Actual -14.60%
    • Forecast -16.30%
    • Previous -1.20%

Wednesday 26/08

  • 2am, USD, CB Consumer Confidence
    • Forecast 93.2
    • Previous 92.6
  • 130pm, AUD, Construction Work Done q/q
    • Forecast -6.50 %
    • Previous -1.00 %
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