FX News

AUD/GBP Transfer

The Australian Dollar (AUD), British Pound (GBP) traded within recent ranges over the week coming into Friday around 0.5210 (1.9190) just above the weekly open. Although earlier week UK CPI came in hotter than expected this didn’t have much effect, the pound falling away to 1.9070 (0.5245) as support for the Aussie returned. Australian Jobs numbers came in soft with less people employed in September, the Aussie giving back gains to 1.9260. Tonight’s Retail Sales in the UK is expected to print negative around the -0.3% mark which in turn could push the Aussie higher.

The current interbank midrate is: AUDGBP 0.5210 GBPAUD 1.9138

The interbank range this week has been: AUDGBP 0.5186-0.5243 GBPAUD 1.9071- 1.9280


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